When is the Right Time to Schedule a Roof Inspection?
A roof inspection is an integral part of your home maintenance ritual. Sometimes even a sound looking roof may present you with unexpected surprises. Unfortunately, these nasty surprises down the line turn into an expensive affair. Unforeseen roof damages that start out small can become a major emergency repair.
Luckily, a yearly roof inspection by reputed roof repair contractors like Altru Roofing and Construction can help you maintain the integrity of your roofing system. But how do you know when to schedule a roof inspection?
Here are the key times that will help you determine the right time to schedule a roof inspection:
A sagging roof deck: If your roof deck appears to have deflections in flat areas or exhibits a sagging look, it may be an indication of a bigger problem that needs a professional check asap.
Roof covered with Vegetation: Roofs covered with fallen leaves, branches, and debris attracts birds and other insects that lead to further increase in vegetation growth. These deposits also tend to block gutters making your roof vulnerable to water damages. Moreover, the penetration of vegetation roots into the roof membrane can potentially result in major leaks.
Damaged shingles: Missing, broken, and cracked shingles provide a path for minor intrusions into your home that become worse over time. Also, it curbs the aesthetic appeal of your home, so it is better to get the problem fixed immediately by the professionals.
Light showing through from the attic: If you can see daylight penetrating the roof deck where the decking and shingles should be protecting your home, unfortunately something is not working as it should. If light can find its way through the roofing system then definitely all other undesirable elements such as pests, dust, and water can also get through.
If you notice any of the aforementioned issues, you need a roof inspection right away. Keep your investments safe and schedule a roof inspection with Oklahoma’s premier roof repair contractor.